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Less Battling. More bonding.
3 Massive Mistakes Every Parent Makes with Their Strong-Willed Child
(and why they actually lead to more resistance, conflict and disconnection)
Are you ready to discover the exact path to fierce confidence and fun cooperative connection with your spirited strong-willed child?
Join me in this workshop for intentional well-meaning parents ready to learn the secrets of getting through to their spirited child while decreasing conflict + household stress AND skyrocketing fun and yes... cooperation!

The top 3 Mistakes parents make and why they increase your child's resistance and defiance
The #1 Secret to a calmer and more cooperative home with a strong willed child
My 3-Proven Step Method for gaining your child's respect and cooperation w/o threatening, yelling or punishing
What makes the Confident & Connected method so different and effective ?
There are plenty of others giving parenting advice online, and many of them are great! However, almost none of them have clinical expertise or lived experience with the strong willed child temperament, and the complex needs and approaches that work with these awesome kids.
So much of the advice you'll find elsewhere fit's into the bucket of 'one-size-fits-all conventional parenting mumbo jumbo'. These kids need different parenting approaches. Period.
My framework is the only one of it's kind because it was born of my solid knowledge foundation as a children's mental health professional.
My goal is to boil the immense amount of research and knowledge on temperament, child development, positive discipline and positive psychology down to a streamlined system, so you can get right to the point and achieve long-lasting results (and not waste years like I did).
Let me promise you — if you follow the methods in this course, your entire family life WILL change. Confident & Connected has changed lives and I make this statement with the confidence that it can change yours too.
Hey, I'm Angela

10 years ago I had my first child, and I’m going to be honest with you, I thought I had the parenting scene under wraps. I had a bachelor’s degree in Child Psychology, a Master’s in Family Therapy and had a clear picture of how I’d raise my kids for some time.
What I didn’t know then was that no educational background or professional training could have prepared me to raise the unique child I was given, a determined spirited strong-willed child.
I spent years trying...what I was taught in school (behaviorism), what other’s told me to do (conventional parenting techniques) and everything in between. For years I was stuck in a cycle of frustration and resentment with my small child, and family life felt heavy and stressful.
I was trying the same things over and over and they weren’t working.
After several years of pouring over my clinical insights, research on human development/neuropsychology, and resources from thought leaders in the positive discipline field, I started to discover the confidence in my parenting, and deep connection with my child, that I had been desperately searching for all along.
For the past 7 years, I’ve taken the insights I’ve learned and supported hundreds of parents raising spirited, emotional and determined kids though my therapy practice and online program, Confident & Connected.
I wholeheartedly believe that every. single. child. deserves to meet their full potential and every parent deserves to enjoy the beautiful gift that is parenthood.
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