All children need healthy discipline and boundaries; without the emotional damage.

The Positive Discipline Set

Your roadmap for teaching and correcting your child, while protecting their confidence and self-esteem.

Do you want to become a confident respected LEADER, that your child will actually WANT to learn from?

  • You know yelling and criticizing your child isn't good for them but you don't know any other way.
  • You feel overwhelmed and paralyzed with your child's challenging behaviors and then resort to yelling and punishments.
  • You don't want to use the same harsh tactics you were raised with but feel stuck in a cycle.
  • You find yourself feeling guilty after reacting harshly to your child's behaviors.
  • You've tried time-out's punishments and harsh scolding but your child's behaviors are not improving. 

In the 'Positive Discipline Set' Discover these life-changing insights:

  • What discipline really means and why this changes EVERYTHING.
  • The tactics and approaches research shows WILL WORK to promote learning and strong internal values your child. 
  • The misguided action most parents take that actually makes a child's meltdown worse.

What you'll get in the Set:

1. Positive Discipline Cheat Sheet for using Damage Free Discipline in stressful moments. 

2. Parenting with Confidence Ebook -10 Steps to raising emotionally healthy + confident kids, from a Child Therapist. 

3. The Parents Quick Guide to Positive Discipline- A 42 page science-based guide to disciplining without emotional damage. 

4. A 'What's underneath Behaviors?' Printable Visual to help you get to the root of what's driving your child's challenging behaviors. 

“The way we speak to our children matters, for those words travel beyond their ears, settling into the creases of their hearts and the crevices of their self-worth."

Angela Pruess LMFT

What's inside in the 'Positive Discipline' E-Book'?

In this 40-page E book you'll learn why disciplining with fear, criticism and harsh tactics backfires and actually prevents meaningful long-term learning. 

  • 5 Life-changing benefits of positive discipline. 
  • The destructive lies you've been told about how to discipline a child. 
  • The REAL truth about your child's most difficult behaviors.
  • The Simple 5 C Framework to Master Positive Discipline Everyday. 

Copyright 2020 Parents with Confidence